About us
The Central Bureau of Detectives was established to create a professional detective agency which would gather specialists of all fields and which is important for detective tasks. Our aim is to provide services based on all available means according to current laws. Our workers are not only former officers of uniformed services but also IT specialists, audio-video technicians, sound specialists or experts in criminology. We cooperate with lawyers and our clients may count on a professional law expertise within the scope of client’s case. Contracts with laboratories which carry out specialist expertise (DNA testing, polygraph – lie detector, handwriting analysis, etc.) guarantee that when it is needed we may conduct every type of test or expertise. Our services are also used by foreign detective bureaus in order to realize tasks in the territory of Poland. We speak fluently in English and efficiently realize tasks also aboard. All CDB actions are in confidence and we assure discretion for our employers. If you care for efficient and professional help in solving your problem, you have definitely found a right institution.